DCA 6 Months Course


DCA Computer Training Course in Goa Institute
Part I:  MS Word
Chapter 1: Word, a Word Processor
4.1 Welcome to Microsoft Office
4.2 Welcome to Word
4.3 Our First Document
4.4 Saving a Document
4.5 Creating a new Document
4.6 Creating a backup Copy
4.7 Dialog Box Save As Revisited
4.8 Shutting Down Word
4.9 Opening a Existing Document
4.10 Creating Templates
4.11 Handling Multiple Documents
4.12 Various Views
4.13 Home-Pane
4.13.1 Clipboard-Group
4.13.2 Front-Group
4.13.3 Paragraph- Group
4.13.4 Styles-Group
4.13.5 Editing Group
4.14 Getting Help
4.15 Preparing a Suitable Document
4.16 Dialog Box Word options and Auto Corrections
4.17 Spelling and Grammar Corrections
4.18 Navigating Keyboard Cursor
4.19 Selecting Text
4.20 Formatting Text
4.21 Setting Font and Font size Using Home-Pane
4.22 Using Bold, Italic and Underline tools
4.23 Using the Dialog Box Front
4.24 Character level and Paragraph level Formatting

Chapter 2: Mastering Word

5.1 Live Preview
5.2 Customizing Quick Access Toolbar
5.3 Bullets and Numbering
5.4 Creating a Table: User-Default Tab Setting
5.5 Creating a Table: User Defined Tab Setting
5.5.1 Using the Tab Selection –Bottom
5.5.2 Setting Tab Stops and Typing Data for Table
5.6 Using the Dialog Box Tabs
5.7 Cut, Copy and Past
5.8 Zooming in and zooming out
5.9 Subscripts and Superscripts
5.10 Inserting Symbols
5.11 Status Bar
5.12 Inserting and Removing Page Numbers
5.13 Drop Cap
5.14 Using Hyphenation
5.15 Seating a page
5.16 Paragraph Formatting
5.16.1 Alignments and Indentation Using the Tools
5.16.2 Line Spacing
5.16.3 Spacing Between paragraph
5.16.4 Indentation Using the Dialog Box paragraph
5.16.5 Formatting Complete Document
5.17 Adding Footnotes and Endnotes
5.18 Adding and Deleting Header and Footer
5.19 Be Stylish
5.20 Printing a Document
5.21 Remote Printing without Using Print files
5.22 Remote Printing Using Print Files
5.23 Welcome to word
5.23.1 Opening Screen of word
5.23.2 Our first Document and Knowing the Task-panes
5.23.3 Savings a Document
5.23.4 Creating a New Documents
5.23.5 Standers tools Bars and Formatting Toolbar
5.23.6 Creating Backup Copy
5.23.7 Shutting Down Word
5.23.8 Opening and Exiting Document
5.23.9 Nuts and Bolts of word
5.23.10 Getting help
5.23.11 changing the face office Assistant

Part II: MS Excel

Chapter 3: Excel a Spreadsheet Application

6.1 Welcome to Excel
6.2 Creating a First Workbook
6.2.1 Opening Screen of Excel
6.2.2 Component of Workbook
6.2.3 Typing data in a Worksheet
6.2.4 Edition Data and formula- Bar
6.2.5 Saving a Workbook
6.2.6 Creating a Backup Copy
6.2.7 Shutting Down Excel
6.3 Home Page
6.3.1 Clipboard- Group
6.3.2 Front –Group
6.3.3 Alignment-Group
6.3.4 Number-Group
6.3.5 Styles- Group
6.3.6 Cells- Group
6.3.7 Editing-Group
6.4 Navigating Selector
6.5 Creating a new Workbook
6.6 Opening and Existing Workbook
6.7 Selecting Multiple Workbook
6.8 AutoFill
6.9 Getting Help
6.10 Handling Multiple Workbook
6.11 Working with Worksheet
6.11.1 Renaming a Worksheet
6.11.2 Inserting a new Worksheet
6.11.3 Deleting a Worksheet
6.11.4 Moving or Coping Worksheet
6.11.5 Using Sheet-Tab-Scroll-Buttons and Tab-Split box
6.12 Cut, copy and Paste
6.13 Resizing Rows and Column
6.14 Installed Templates

Chapter 4: More Adventure with Excel

7.1 Entering Test, Numbers, and Dates
7.2 Inserting and Removing Cells, Rows, and Column
7.2.1 Inserting and Removing Cells, Rows, and Column
7.2.2 Deleting Cells, Rows, and Columns
7.3 Merging Cells
7.4 Formatting Sells and Tables
7.5 Creating Charts
7.6 Using Formulae
7.6.1 Typing a Formula in a cell
7.6.2 Entering a Formula in cell Using Copy and Paste Method
7.6.3 Entering a Formula in a cell Using AutoFill
7.6.4 How to Edit a Formula
7.6.5 How to Create a Formula
7.6.6 Relative Addressing and Absolute Addressing
7.6.7 Coping Values Instead of Formula
7.7 Using Functions
7.8 Printing Small Worksheet
7.9 Printing Large Worksheet
7.10 Creating a Database
7.11 Welcome to Excel
7.11.1 Creating a First Workbook
7.11.2 Editing Data and Formula-Bar
7.11.3 Saving and Workbook
7.11.4 Creating a Backup Copy
7.11.5 Shutting Down Excel
7.11.6 Standard toolbar and Formatting Toolbar
7.11.7 Creating a new Workbook
7.11.8 Opening and Existing Workbook
7.11.9 Nuts and Bolts of Excel

Part II: MS PowerPoint

Chapter 5: PowerPoint a Presentation Application

9.1 Welcome to PowerPoint
9.2 Opening Screen of PowerPoint
9.3 Creating a Presentation Using a Templates
9.4 Saving a Presentation
9.5 Slide Show at Home
9.6 Using View Buttons
9.7 Slide Show at Seminar Side
9.8 Opening and Existing Presentation
9.9 Creating a Presentation Using word Documents
9.10 Using Home-Pane
9.11 Adding Design to a Presentation
9.12 Adding Animation to a Presentation
9.13 Adding Sound to a Presentation
9.14 Working with Sides
9.14.1 Adding a New Sides
9.14.2 Deleting a Sides
9.14.3 Placing a Text Box on a Sides
9.14.4 Placing a Picture on a Sides
9.14.5 Placing a Clip Art on a Side
9.14.6 Placing a Video Clip on a Sides
9.15 Creating a Presentation from Scratch
9.15.1 Opening a Blank Presentation
9.15.2 Adding Footer to a Slide
9.15.3 Developing a Presentation
9.16 Welcome to PowerPoint
9.16.1 Opening Screen of PowerPoint
9.16.2 Multiple ways Of Creating Presentation
9.16.3 Creating a Presentation Using word Documents
9.16.4 Saving a Presentation
9.16.5 Using Design Temple
9.16.6 Slide Show
9.16.7 Shutting Down PowerPoint
9.16.8 Opening and Existing Presentation
9.16.9 Nuts and Bolts of PowerPoint


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